Sports Injuries

Sport Injuries - Acupuncture NI

Sports injuries are injuries that happen when playing sports or exercising. Some are from accidents. Others can result from poor training practices or improper gear. Some people get injured when they are not in proper condition. Not warming up or stretching enough before exercise can also lead to injuries.

The most common sports injuries are:

• Sprains and strains

• Knee injuries

• Swollen muscles

• Achilles tendon injuries

• Pain along the shin bone (“shin splints”)

• Elbow pain

There is positive evidence from individual randomised controlled trials, and case studies showing that acupuncture  may help relieve symptoms of sports injuries, for example by:

• reducing pain and inflammation

• stimulating nerves in muscles and other tissues, leading to release of endorphins

• improving muscle stiffness and joint mobility by increasing local microcirculation which aids dispersal of swelling.

I may use a combination of acupuncture, tuina massage, and a range of qi gong exercises to restore function.
